Where Does It Say No Weapon Formed Agains Us Will Prosperkjv


What does it mean that "no weapon formed confronting you lot shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17)?

no weapon formed against you shall prosper


In Isaiah 54:xi–17, the prophet Isaiah delivers a message from God about the restoration of Jerusalem after its devastation by the Babylonians. The people would be in chaos and confusion, only the Lord promises a futurity day when the urban center volition exist more glorious than ever. God'southward people will render to their state and alive there without fear of further destruction: "'No weapon formed confronting you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,' Says the LORD" (poesy 17, NKJV).

In saying that "no weapon formed against you shall prosper," God promises the people of Jerusalem that no enemy will be able to produce successful weapons against them. The word prosper here ways "succeed." The previous verse gives context: "See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc" (Isaiah 54:16). In other words, God is in accuse. He created the one who creates the weapons, and He volition meet to information technology that any weapons are wielded past State of israel's enemies would be ineffective against them. This promise volition see its ultimate fulfillment in the millennial kingdom of Christ (meet Isaiah 51).

The promise to State of israel is often applied to God'south children today, every bit nosotros bargain with spiritual enemies. No affair what the devil devises to throw at us, in the stop it will fail because God is the sovereign ruler of our destiny. He gives the states the shield of faith, "with which you tin can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" (Ephesians 6:xvi). The Proficient News Translation phrases Isaiah 54:17 like this: "'Only no weapon volition be able to injure you; yous will have an reply for all who accuse you. I will defend my servants and give them victory.' The LORD has spoken."

The principal theme the Lord wants to communicate in this passage is that God is our salvation. Even when bad things happen to us—when we experience defeated and crushed by our enemies—we can trust and not be afraid: "God is our shelter and forcefulness, always set to help in times of problem. So we volition not be afraid, fifty-fifty if the globe is shaken and mountains autumn into the ocean depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken past the violence" (Psalm 46:1–3, GNB). Even if our cities lie in ruins, a mortiferous disease wreaks havoc in the earth, the economy fails, and we lose our job, the Lord Almighty is with u.s.a., and He will salve us: "God is in that metropolis, and it will never exist destroyed; at early on dawn he will come to its assistance. Nations are terrified, kingdoms are shaken; God thunders, and the earth dissolves. The LORD Almighty is with united states of america; the God of Jacob is our refuge" (Psalm 46:5–7, GNB).

A weapon is anything designed to inflict harm. In 2 Corinthians 10:4, the apostle Paul tells u.s. that we have been given tools to fight against our enemy, only our weapons are not ordinary armaments: "The weapons we fight with are non the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." Oft, the enemy hits u.s.a. with spiritual strongholds of defoliation, depression, anger, anxiety, fear, temptation, and loneliness. Simply the Lord has given united states of america His Word equally our sword and religion equally our shield (Proverbs 30:5; Hebrews iv:12), and we have His spiritual armor to protect us (Ephesians 6:x–18).

God is in command. He controls both those who brand weapons and those who use them. The battle is not ours, but the Lord'south (2 Chronicles twenty:xv; i Samuel 17:47). He has already won the contest. Through Jesus Christ, He has defeated the final enemy, who is expiry, and purchased for us eternal life (2 Timothy ane:x; see also Isaiah 25:8; Hebrews two:14; Revelation one:18). The Lord will protect and uphold His children, no matter what we face, and help u.s. through to the final victory (Isaiah 41:10). As God'due south people, we can be confident in the Lord's ultimate triumph over every enemy. In Isaiah's time, as in all of history, and in the futurity in its fullest sense, every child of God can say, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!"

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Questions almost Isaiah

What does it mean that "no weapon formed confronting you shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17)?

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This page terminal updated: January 4, 2022


Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/no-weapon-formed-against-you-shall-prosper.html

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